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In: Business Growth

Tables of Content

  • What is the concept of custom application development?
  • How Embtel will be a perfect fit for all your app development needs
  • What are the benefits of custom application development?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is the concept of custom Mobile app development?

Mobile App Development, The process of making, designing, and delivering custom software applications for distinct consumers is known as custom application development. Basically it means creating an app which is made specifically according to your needs and requirement.

Many educational institutions, healthcare institutions, and corporations develop custom portals for their students, caregivers, and workers to utilize for a range of reasons. Other well-known and extensively used examples of custom software are Uber’s cab app, Netflix’s online streaming platform, and Apple’s iOS software.

Custom application development is often handled in-house by programmers or leased to a third-party provider. Using the same methods and procedures as ready-made apps. But with a considerably narrower focus.

However, the growth of low-code development tools has allowed developers to construct these types of applications without having to code them from scratch. As a result, low-code development platforms eliminate the need for specialized developers, reducing production time and costs while increasing developer productivity.


Customized Mobile Applications

Embtel makes tailor-made mobile apps that help businesses to streamline their work and makes the workflow easier and more efficient.

Non-bounded connection

We made Apps that let you connect to any package. It doesn’t matter if it cloud-based, APIs, Custom made, or any other data source.

Modernize Legacy Systems

Convert record-keeping systems into engagement-based systems. Create user interactions that are more sophisticated, clear, and intuitive.

Powerful Omni-channel Experiences

We use the latest technology and latest tools to build the app to get a user experience that can meet the demand of today’s smart apps. 

Intelligent & Connected InteractionsMobile App Development

One very important quality of the app is that it should prvide connected as well as context-aware experience across all the digital platforms in a very smart way.

Instant service and maintenance

Embtel is located in more than three countries including the USA and provides instant service whenever needed, to ensure that there is no business loss due to any kind of technical failure or glitch in the application

After Sales Service

The most important thing to consider before purchasing any good or service from any company, is after-sales services. Embtel known for it customer satisfaction rate and happy to help its customers even after the sales.


We offer all our services at very economical prices. We focus more on delivering maximum projects and providing our services to the best of our abilities.

What are the benefits of custom Mobile app development?


The most evident benefit of customized app development is that the software generated is suited to your company’s specific requirements, as compared to off-the-wear software. This implies that all the requirements will fulfilled, saving you time, effort, and money in the long run.


Custom-made applications may also adjusted to match your company’s current and future demands as time goes on. In comparison, ready-made software puts you at the discretion of its developers, who may or may not improve or modify it to your liking. You may also manage any problem or update directly, adjusting the application using your developers or expertise.


Businesses often employ a variety of technologies in their operations, which may cause compatibility problems. Custom app development helps to avoid this stumbling block by ensuring that the applications you design can interoperate with the other technologies your organization employs, which results in increased productivity. Furthermore, custom app development may often establish processes that include many apps, increasing productivity and reducing user mistakes.


Because it is used by so many firms and is open to everyone, off-the-shelf software is much more susceptible to hackers. As a consequence, hackers will gain acquainted with the coding of those specific apps, making them easier to attack. Furthermore, the ability to access the data of various firms is very appealing to hackers. Custom-made applications are far more difficult to hack since they will only utilized inside one firm and may have extra degrees of security.

Personal IP

Using out-of-the-box software puts your data in danger of being accessed by someone else. If you don’t read the fine print, you surprised to learn that the firm that created the software controls your input. You have no say if the program’s makers decide to change anything about it. On the other hand, you control the intellectual property (IP) rights to your unique software and may decide how to use it regardless of what other company or individual developer does with it.

 User-friendlyMobile App Development

Understanding a new application is always challenging, but it gets considerably more time-consuming and perplexing. When it to designed specifically for your company. Everyone would have to be taught about it. And when it comes to software that holds more high-level information, such as a database. It would be incredibly difficult to educate someone, who has no knowledge in the field on how to use it.

Consider a salesman who has to access data in a database; they may want assistance from your data professionals for some time before being able to utilize it on their own. Custom apps may prevent this by employing simple language that explains the demands of its users, making it accessible to all stakeholders rather than just specialists.



When you opt for Custom Mobile App Development

  • On average, how long does it take to create a Custom Mobile App?

Embtel produces and delivers cross-platform applications using an automated proprietary mobile app development strategy that reduces mobile app development time by tenfold. Embtel creates and delivers specialized technological solutions that tailored to your company’s specific environment. Furthermore, we provide a live (functional) prototype in 2-4 weeks and completely usable applications for iOS, Android, and the Web in 7-9 weeks.

  • How do you interact throughout the App Development process?

With daily and monthly updates from your point of contact, our unique app development affair offers complete transparency. An account manager appointed who will oversee a team of app designers. And connect with you regularly to ensure that the feedback-communication loop is always open. To communicate with our customers, we utilize applications such as Zoom, WhatsApp, and others. Updates will also sent through email.

  • What about any assistance I may want throughout the creation and life of the app?

Embtel is one of the few custom mobile app developers that provides full support, including OS upgrades, security fixes, and scalability for future needs.

  • What are the possible benefits of Tailored Mobile App Development and Integration?

 Custom mobile application development enables seamless integration of mobile applications with third-party software such as ERP, CRM, SCM, HRM, and so on. Custom mobile app development supports your company’s digital transition by digitalizing customized services/products for your clients through custom mobile applications.

What is off-page SEO? A Complete Guide to Off-Page SEO- Embtel Solutions Inc

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